
Bradon Wilson
Interim Director
Campus Safety

Wayland Wong
Counselor Assistant I

"It's a pleasure to serve such a dynamic team, wishing to meet with the rest of the members soon."

Liisa Pine Schoonmaker
Welding Instructor
Welding Technology

"I can't thank the classified professionals that support the Welding Department enough. Claire, Seto, Ron, and Kaela jump through so many hoops regularly to ensure that Chabot has a well-running, well-equipped, 以及运作良好的焊接实验室. I appreciate all that you accomplish on top of serving the needs of the other Departments in our Division. 特别向克莱尔喊话, who has worn far too many hats at the same time in the last few years while looking great doing it. 她是装在彩虹里的高效机器."

Safiyyah Forbes
Science and Math

“我深深地感谢我们的天才, 耐心和勤奋, 你是使这艘船(查伯特)顺利运行的引擎.

特别射击给Kim B. 他总是超越一切,确保我走上正轨, 教师和学生都得到了很好的支持. To the Science and Math lab technicians thank you all for another year of great work in helping our students accomplish their academic goals.

Thank you for always being present and supportive to our students, faculty and each other."

Terri T. Anderson
Student Equity & Success Director
Student Services

Diane Zuliani

“谢谢你,凯瑟琳·斯坦利! You are remarkable! 我真不知道一个人怎么能养活这么多人, but you never fail to, 你做得很愉快, cheeky humor. 我们在AM真是太幸运了&C...我们有一个真正的专业人士和一个好人让我们都走上正轨. 感谢你为每一个人所做的一切,每一天,永远!"

Brian Goo

"I would like to express a big THANK YOU to all of the classified here at Chabot! Classified Professionals are the glue that keeps the institution running and without you all, 夏博肯定不会是一样的. 作为前机密专家和机密参议院主席, I know the hard work, dedication, 以及与职位相关的机构知识. I would like to give a special shout out to all the classified tri-chairs and members that participate in the shared governance process. 你对本机构的服务我们深表感谢,这是不会被忽视的. 谢谢你为夏博所做的一切!"

Robert (Bobby) Nakamoto
Social Sciences

Paulette Lino
Director of Admissions & Records
Admissions & Records

Don Carlson

"There are currently five classified professionals in the 应用科技及商业 Division. Each of the staff members provides a solid foundation for the programs they support that is essential for student success. I am grateful to each of the staff member for their excellent work and dedication to the college and its mission. Thank you to Claire, Kaela, Jessica, Ron and Setrag for your outstanding contributions."

Debbie Trigg
Dean of Counseling
General Counseling

Frances Fon

"So many to appreciate in the joint work of educating and supporting students toward success from all areas and divisions. 每一个转学生的机会都需要M的支持&影印师,总统办公室,项目助理. It really takes a village so a sincere appreciation and thank you to our classified professionals from Frances and the Transfer Center. THANK YOU!!!"

Neva Bandelow

“感谢所有帮助过我的机密雇员, as a new Director, 了解查伯特学院和学区的流程. Your patience, understanding and know-how have been extremely beneficial to our program. CEMCP感谢您所做的一切. 特别欢迎我们的新员工,凡妮莎·迪尔克斯! 你已经开始行动了,我很感激."

Cynthia Gordon da Cruz

"There are so many classified professional with whom I work on a regular basis who give so much to our college. 谢谢刘娜,Indra L. Joe, Heather Hernandez, Noell Adams, Nicole Albrecht, Anamarie Navarro, 玛丽亚Rodriguez-Larrain, Terra Lee, Lannibeth Calvillo, Angela Castellanos, Sienna Dalton, Cheree Manicki, Christine Herrera, Kirti Reddy, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Katrin Field, 弗吉尼亚·克里斯维尔和更多的人(!)让我们的校园运转起来, 三人担任共同管治委员会主席, refining processes, leading change, 支持Chabot的学生和员工."

Dale Wagoner

"Expressing my appreciation for all the hard-working classified professionals across the campus for the work done this year under difficult circumstances.


To Bookstore staff, and Campus Safety who were here on campus every day as essential workers.
To Business Services, Reprographics, Switchboard for keeping the College running smoothly.
To Performing Arts Center Staff for making the "show go on" even in the MOST difficult of circumstances.

And to Liz O.他是我在FIT的三席主席,让我们在委员会中保持重点和任务.
And to Kirti for making sure I was on top of the President's deadlines even when I wasn't...


Lisa Ulibarri
English Faculty & WRAC中心协调员
Language Arts Division

“感谢夏博分类专业人员! 你是查伯特学院的核心.
Much love and gratitude to Sienna Dalton who keeps the Language Arts Division in line and functioning. We appreciate you!
学习连接团队的疯狂道具- Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Anamarie Navarro, Andrew Leung, Roland Belcher, and Mary Love - thank you for keeping tutoring thriving in any medium and supporting the academic success of our students.
非常感谢在线学习/画布支持团队, 克里斯蒂·戴维斯·罗莎和布莱辛·莫里斯, 支持不断变化的在线学习需求.
Huge appreciation for Kathleen Stanley for all that you do for Faculty Senate and COOL. You are an integral part of both committees, and we couldn't function without you.
Big thanks to Cassondra Reinsel and Megan Parker from Academic Services for dealing with the madness that is scheduling and ZTC/LTC identification.
对替代媒体专家的最大尊重和赞赏, Thomas Dowrie for helping to ensure our classes are accessible for all learners and for raising accessibility awareness across campus.
Finally, many thanks to Kirti Reddy and Christine Herrera for the countless things that you do for the Chabot community."

Deonne Kunkel Wu

"Thank you! We owe the work to you!"

Kathy Medina

“每当有人问我在夏博工作最好的部分是什么, 我总是首先想到的是人. 在过去的20年里,我和很多专业人士共事过, 我很感激这些经历. Thank you Safety & Security, M&O, Business Office, Academic Services and Divisions, and ALL the wonderful folks in Student Services!!"

Michael R. Lai

"I would like to send a special Thank you to the APIEA and MOVEMENT classified professionals. Anamarie, Alan, Cristina, Liz, Jean, Many Ann, Nicole, Andrew, Kirti, Rozen, Lan, Na, Amelia, Silvino, Cresali, and many others. You all are truly the driving force behind building up our Asian American and Pacific Islander community at Chabot College. 非常感谢大家,我期待着继续共同努力."

Roam Romagnoli
Language Arts

Michael Robert Lai

"I would like to send a special Thank you to our classified professionals within counseling (and the larger student services). As a counselor, it would be impossible to our work without the support of our classified professionals. We share in the same mission of serving our students and each of us bring a unique and important lens and role to student success and wellness. Thank you to Kenya, Osibisa, Lakesha, Regina, Stefanie, Stacey, Wafa, Bionca, Katrin, K, and many others. Thank you."

Jamal Cooks
Academic Services

Patricia Molina

Nathaniel Rice

Heather Hernandez

“我代表机密参议院, it is my honor recognize and thank the 分类鉴赏周 Planning Team: ShelleyRae Corpus, Anamarie Navarro, Virginia Criswell, Rochelle Duran, Sarah Flores, Nicole Albrecht, and Christine Herrera. I, 还有我们机密的专业同事, appreciate your support, commitment, and leadership. You are all outstanding classified leaders on our campus and we are very lucky to work with you each day. 特别感谢Kirti Reddy, Wing Kam, and our Chabot College Administrators for organizing these kind messages of support!"

Adam Hathaway

"Thank you to any and all Classified Professionals that have helped to make working at Chabot look, well, professional. 特别感谢:克莱尔·贝利, Ron Decker, Seto Tashijan, Christy Davis, Christina Read, Alex Clark, Wing Kam, Meagan Parker, and Dara Greene!"

Trish Shannon

我们的分类专业人员经常“看起来”是隐形的,但事实并非如此. 我们的专业人员维护着我们的基础设施. 它很少引人注目或引人注目,但你们每个人所做的所有工作都很重要. 我感谢你们每一个人."

Nancy Cheung
Dental Hygiene

"My deepest gratitude and appreciation for every Classified Professional at Chabot. Thank you Kim Cao, Janet Rosillo, Marlene Gomez, Kirti Reddy, Christine Herrera, Cheree Manicki, Angela Castellanos, Bella Witt, Kathleen Stanley, Claire Bailey, Christina Read, 希尔达·阿里亚加和校园安全小组, 克雷格和萨拉(影印), Mario Zarate, Miguel Angel, Alex Clark and Team, Daryl Fabian, Mario Orozco, A&R评估者(Jean, Rozen, Linda等)&O. 这个名单是无穷无尽的(如果我遗漏了任何人的名字,请道歉). 谢谢你所做的一切."
